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Business Excellence Awards 2025

Tofino Business Excellence Awards 2025 - submit a nomination, come celebrate with us, become a sponsor

Here are the categories and criteria for the Business Excellence Awards:

1. Small Business of the Year Award - For a business with less than 10 employees (full-time, year-round) that has demonstrated outstanding performance, innovation and customer service. In business for more than three years (as of December 31, 2024).

2. Business of the Year Award - For a business with 11 or more employees (full-time, year-round) that has demonstrated outstanding performance, innovation and customer service. In business for more than three years (as of December 31, 2024).

3. New Business of the Year Award - Recognizes the outstanding achievement of a new business in a short period of time (under three years from December 31, 2024), demonstrating excellent products and/or services, business practices, and promise for continued growth. 

4. Customer Service Excellence Award - This award celebrates the customer service commitment made by a business that consistently goes above and beyond for their customers, contributing to the professionalism of our industry and the positive image of tourism in Tofino. Adjudication by Tourism Tofino, specific examples are appreciated. 

5. Business Leader of the Year Award - will be awarded to an individual that has exemplified their commitment to the business community of Tofino. As a leader they have contributed to creative business initiatives, promotion of the local business community, community service, and to their own company's growth and success. 

6. Non-profit of the Year Award - For an organization that has had a positive impact on the community, and exemplifies innovation, education, social advances and community involvement. Must be an incorporated non-profit in existence for at least three years (from December 31, 2024). 

7. Green Business of the Year Award - For a business or organization that demonstrates leadership with environmental and sustainable business practices. 

8. Employee of the Year Award - For an individual that has shown commitment to quality and excellence. Their customer service skills are on point, they take initiative, and are dependable, positive team players. Must be a full-time, year-round employee. Nominations must come from individual outside of employee’s company. This award is meant to be a community recognition award for exemplary service. 

9. Employer of the Year Award - For an employer that is recognized by its staff to foster a workplace of inclusion, support, and general positivity. This nomination comes from staff of the nominated business. 

Starting in 2016, the Tofino-Long Beach Chamber of Commerce has been pleased to host the Tofino Business Excellence Awards recognizing the outstanding achievements and contributions of local businesses and organizations. Nominations come from the community and the entries are judged 50% by public voting and 50% by our panel of judges that has included government officials, Chamber of Commerce managers from around B.C., and other community leaders.

In 2020, the TLBCC took a hiatus from doing the Business Excellence Awards due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021 the Business Excellence Awards returned but were presented privately due to concerns about large gatherings. The 2022 Awards were presented in conjunction with the Chamber’s Annual General Meeting.


The 2022 Business Excellence Awards were award on March 22nd, following the Chamber’s Annual General Meeting at Hotel Zed. Congratulations to all the nominees and the winners!

New Business of the YearNaas Foods

Customer Service ExcellenceAtleo River Air Service

Employee of the Year - Marla Williams, Blue Crush Concierge - Tofino Property Management

Employer of the YearCrystal Cove Beach Resort

Non-profit of the YearClayoquot Sound Theatre

Green Business of the Year - Gaia Grocery Tofino

Small Business of the YearArbutus Health Center

Business of the YearThe Maq Hotel

Business Leader of the Year – Samantha Hackett, Long Beach Lodge Resort


Congratulations to this year’s Business Excellence Awards winners:

Customer Service Excellence: Chocolate Tofino

Employee of the Year: Juliet Arpilleda Luarez, Long Beach Lodge Resort

Covid-19 Silver Linings: Tofino CO-OP

Employer of the Year: Surf Sister Surf School

Non-Profit of the Year: Pacific Rim Hospice

Green Business of the Year: Bravocados Tofino

Business Leader of the Year: Charles McDiarmid, Wickaninnish Inn

New Business of the Year: Gaia Grocery Tofino

Small Business of the Year: Tofino Bike

Business of the Year: Lil' Ronnie's Beachside BBQ

Thanks as well to our award sponsors:

Crystal Cove Beach Resort

Westerly News

Ocean Outfitters Tofino Adventures

Pacific Sands Beach Resort

Hotel ZED

Long Beach Lodge Resort

Tourism Tofino

Wickaninnish Inn

Special thanks as well go to TikiBus, Tofino Brewing Company and Pizzamoto Tofino and our hard-working board of directors!


Thank-you Tofino for another amazing evening at the 5th Annual Business Excellence Awards. This event was a fundraiser for the Tofino Ambassador Program and we partnered with Central Westcoast Forest Society to do a Casino Night to benefit that organization as well.

Congratulations to everyone nominated in each of our 8 categories. These awards are for the best businesses and organizations of 2018. And the winners are:

Customer Service Excellence: Long Beach Lodge Resort

Employee of the Year: Madi Greyson, Tofino Brewing Company

Green Business of the Year: Ocean Outfitters Tofino Adventures

Non-Profit of the Year: Central Westcoast Forest Society

Best New Business: Summit Bread co.

Best Small Business: Picnic Charcuterie

Best Business: Chocolate Tofino

Business Leader of the Year: Duane Bell, Rhino Coffee House

Thanks to all who attended and made this event another one for the books!

Photos: Paul Levy

Gold Level Sponsors:



Harbour Air Seaplanes

Bronze Level Sponsors: